GMAT private tutor and the Prep Courses

While most prep courses and teachers will help to a degree, there is only so much you can expect from a one size fits all approach. Since each person is unique, a tailored approach combining the individual attention of a GMAT private tutor online with self-study will get you much better results. Private tutors can devote themselves entirely to their student rather than spreading their attention across a larger class. Together the private tutor and student can decide how much time to devote to each topic and customize a strategy to achieve their target score. They can help you with the basics and then go beyond and cover every scenario one is likely to encounter. Also covered will be the types of questions, how to manage one's time well and how to handle tricky questions. You will find that the slightly greater cost of having your own private tutor is well worth it. A good GMAT private tutor is more than simply a subject matter expert but instead an expert...